Open Source Software Development
Open Source lies at the cornerstone of present technologies and developments. All around the world companies, governments and individuals use Open Source to fuel their services and products and build new innovative solutions. It is in the mobiles, in the internet of things, in artificial intelligence, in blockchain and in the dorsal spine of Internet.

Runs our phones and TV sets, our cars and the expectative is that in any new project involving software, a major part of it will be Open Source. Open Source provides also a higher degree of security by allowing independent audits and code inspections.
Based on this reality, in EUROB we build our technologies, projects and tools on Open Source. Our research uses and provides new Open Source contributions to the community and this approach allows our partners and clients to incorporate new value to their projects already developed by us based on open standards and specifications without costly vendors lock-ins.
We combine this expertise with exquisite UX/UI Design approach for the user interaction. Both in web and mobile technologies.
Our experience is especially strong in the healthcare sector, having worked in dozens of commercial and research related projects.
All our developments build on the principles of privacy and security by design. Our experience in encryption and blockchain strengthen our understanding and application in this area. Relatedly, we have extended experience in the compliance to GDPR and ethics considerations.
Big Data Analytics
Big Data analytics is the field of knowledge that covers those technologies and applications that allow data analysts, data scientists, statisticians and other analytics professionals to capture, store, process and analyze growing volumes of data, either structured (for example and excel sheet), semi-structured (an email) or unstructured (pictures or videos).

This can be financial transactions, social media contents, server logs, machine data captured by sensors and many other and other types of sources. It specifically addresses the area of massive amounts of data that cannot be stored, processed or analyzed using traditional tools. Three Vs traditionally define the scope of application of Big Data: Volume, Velocity and Variety data.
In order to be able to tackle applications building on large amounts of data, EUROB’s technology stack relies on NoSQL databases like Mongodb and Cassandra, and Data Lake systems like Hadoop. These petabytes storage systems are feed by message stream brokers like Kafka, coupled to real time analysis engines like Spark and supported by additional components like resources directories. All of it delivering a high level of security and data encryption at any point (including homomorphic numeric encryption) and a high level of availability.
Our Big Data developments can then combine with external visualization engines like Kibana, Graphana or Prometheus. They can be deployed in in-house bare metal servers or cloud environments and be delivered with a high-level of customization as well as API Gateways for encapsulated access.
Today, IoT health monitoring devices can be easily found to monitor patient’s body conditions through sensors and mobile applications. Similarly, blockchain technologies have recently been introduced in healthcare record sharing, without the need to trust on an external third party. Research in this area and practical applications that can be integrated in nowadays systems ensuring compliance to legal and regulatory aspects is of notorious interest and one of large potential impact in systems and society approach to health data.

Not only due to the obvious benefits of decentralized data storage but also to the inherent blockchain features such as tamper-proof (achieved by the special data structure and consensus mechanism), smart contracts capability, reliability and availability.
Several technical approaches to the pitfalls of blockchain technologies in health (like scalability, latency and efficiency) have been recently brought to light, relying most of them on a multilayered combination of blockchain structures with a combination of external storage systems.
EUROB’s approach to blockchain is based on a three layered interconnected blockchain system that provides a high degree of flexibility, anonymity and data protection, as well as compliance to GDPR while still benefiting from the inherent blockchain features such as tamper-proof and smart contracts support. We are building our technology based on Sawtooth framework and can be coupled with our knowledge and experience in encryption technologies.
Although developed for health area, our technology can be easily transferred to other domains dealing with IoT sensor data that needs to be handled in a secure, privacy-supported and smart environment.
Artificial intelligence relates to the branch of computer science designing and implementing systems than can perform tasks that in the past were reserved to human intelligence. AI is per nature an interdisciplinary science with multiple approaches and applications whose advances are creating a paradigm shift in virtually every sector of the tech industry. In addition to speech recognition and natural language applications, AI is also used for other recognition tasks (pattern, text, audio, image, video, facial, …), autonomous vehicles, medical diagnoses, gaming, search engines, spam filtering, crime fighting, marketing, robotics, remote sensing, computer vision, transportation, music recognition, classification, and so on.

Some examples of AI of common use nowadays are: Google search; Image recognition software; Siri, Alexa and other personal assistants; self-driving cars; automated diagnosis systems, etc.
Through in-house and for-project developments, EUROB is experienced in the design, development and implementation of several Artificial Intelligence technologies, including data mining techniques, clustering, machine and deep learning networks. EUROB’s AI technology has been applied mainly in recommended integrated subsystems, in order to improve the user experience usage of our products and projects, but can be easily transferred to other areas.
Basically, a recommendation engine is an information filtering subsystem providing information tailored to the users’ interested, preferences or behavioural interaction with the service or product. It is able to predict a specific user’s preference on an item based on their profile, allowing them to easily find they items they are looking quickly and conveniently and thus increasing its satisfaction and engagement with the service. It can be especially leveraged as marketing tool in e-commerce, increasing sales, revenues and profits in general with small external changes.