In EUROB, beyond our technological capability and related products, we can provide you with a set of customized services related to health innovation and business definition that we summarize in the following lines

Obtaining key fundamental information for your new business is often challenging (lack of access to reliable sources, lack of knowledge of the sector) and time consuming. However, it is a cornerstone process for business success, since it can help to:
• Determine the demand for a new product or service and identify the related new markets;
• Test the demand for new products and assess its traction;
• Improve and innovate current businesses;
• Boost the impact and success of investments in marketing;
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In EUROB we can help you to further nail down the target consumer, market size, market leads, competitors analysis, as well as stay ahead of fundamental market trends.
We have carried out dozens of Market research analysis for e-health startups and will be very happy to put this experience at your disposal.
In addition, we can develop market tests for new products, evaluate the traction, define KPI and help you in your product and service valuation.
We rely on primary market research (consumer surveys, in-depth interviews, focus groups, etc.) as well as on secondary research (reports and studies, papers, magazines, literature reviews, etc.) to obtain a wider picture and complement the first.

At the core, a Business Model definition is a description of how your business makes money by delivering value to your costumers at an appropriate cost. It lets you understand what are your costs and how much you need to charge for your product or service.
Through a structured and guided process, based on the lean startup methodology, in EUROB we are experts in defining and pining down your new health business. Based on well set design canvases (ecosystem, value, consumer experience, lean startup, etc.) we will analyze from an external and internal point of view the weakness and strengths of your business model and work with you in order to improve it.
Identifying your key partners, tweaking your monetizing strategy, your unique value proposition as well as your basic financials are fundamental processes needed for any business to growth and develop in the target markets.
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Whether it is for your investors or for your internal bootstrap strategy, a well-defined business plan, which we can develop with you in EUROB will provide you with plenty of insights and data to help you navigate the markets and succeed in them.
Well defined indicators such as efficiency, cash flow forecasts, net income, costs control and gross margin profitability are part of the fundamentals that will help you during the decision-making process by having all the related intelligent business data at your fingertips.

Accessing the required funds for your business to kick off, growth and thrive is complex and time constrained. It will require from you to juggle with multiple stakeholders simultaneously while at the same time striving to drive your business. In EUROB we have access to national and international investor networks and can guide you through the process of private fundraising. By identifying the best suited investor to accompany you at each moment in your journey. It is not only a matter of who and when, but also why and for how long. Understanding the invertors motivations for investing in your business is as much as important as convincing them to be your partners in it.
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In addition, complementing your private investors with public funds is an intelligent choice in order to keep a proper investment balance and help you in further develop your IP. Whether it is via soft innovation loans (for R&D projects, for company growth) or for financing your innovation development (regional, national or with European funding instruments), in EUROB we have large experience with them. At Spanish national level we work with regional calls (Madrid, Valencia, Andalusia, etc.), promoted by different Ministries or by the CDTI Agency as well as ENISA. At European level we are specialized in Horizon 2020 instrument and cooperative calls like Eureka. Through the highly specialized and evolving landscape of available public funds to support innovation, in EUROB we can help you define the best roadmap, timing, where to devote efforts, priorities and of course prepare the application documentation and innovation project suited to your needs for public funds.

A cornerstone part of your new business model is your IPR (Intellectual Property Rights). That is the set of knowledge developed internally or externally acquired that allows your business model to thrive, deliver a unique value and stay ahead of your competitors in a protected way.
Copyrights, patents, trademarks, industrial designs, your Internet domain as well as your internal secrets all of them conform your business IP. An adequate and timely strategy for the protection of your core assets that make your business model possible is a key part for your business success that we can help you in EUROB to achieve. First, we will work with you in identifying those assets susceptible of protection and then recommend those best suited instruments for it, no matter if it is at national or international level, as well as determine its related costs for registration and maintenance.
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Another fundamental part of this process is your Freedom to Operate Analysis, which carries out a deep analysis at registered patents and rights (nationally, worldwide) in order to identify potential claims that will impact your own IPR or prevent you for registering it.
Well defined and protected IPR as well as Freedom to Operate will not only help in your business and facilitate the process of capital and investment raise, but also help you in longer keeping ahead of your competitors or keeping them at bay or negotiating with them for common undertakings.
In addition to the above, and based in our experience gained in organizing several Open Calls for investment in health projects, in EUROB we can help and support public administration as well as private entities in the process of

The time and effort needed to identify worthwhile opportunities for investment is not marginal on top of the required level of expertise and experience. It comes a time where the management of the current running projects makes it simply impossible to devote the needed resources into this task.
To tackle this need, EUROB offers the chance to externalise the organisational process of finding suitable opportunities in targeted areas. We can provide with
innovation brokering and project scouting services so that you can just concentrate on the best projects.
Thanks to years of experience and many successfully developed projects in this area, we are very familiar with the whole process from ideation of the call to the selection of the most suitable candidates, using if needed external highly knowledgeable experts, and will tailor the service features to your needs.
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As part of this process, some of its relevant parts are:
– Call definition for services and products according to your interests.
– Administrative work regarding the call and its related processes (FAQs, Guide for Applicants, Application Forms).
– Promotion of the call through social media, email communications, newsletters and reaching out to relevant networks.
– Provision of online platform for proposal submission and evaluation.
– Support to interested companies in their application preparation.
– Project scouting and selection of best proposals, using external experts when considered necessary due to the complexity of the area.